Friday, May 11, 2012

The Cloud

Technology never ceases to amaze me. Microsoft and Apple both have some version of "cloud" software or computing that enables you to fetch, share, and work on files from any of your devices from anywhere. I don't really know how it works, but my understanding is that if there was a file I had on my computer at the office that I needed when I was at home, I wouldn't have to drive up there to get it. and vice versa. Its new, its fresh, its exciting. Basically this cloud concept is changing the way we use computers.

If only we had something as interesting when it comes to our faith. Maybe we do

This week my attention has been turned to Hebrews chapter 11--mainly because I told my students to look at that chapter this week, and what kind of youth minister (let alone human being) would I be if I did not spend some time there myself. Hebrews chapter 11 is the infamous "Faith Hall of Fame" chapter. The chapter starts with a simple definition of faith, and then gives that definition more depth by listing example after example of people throughout the Bible who lived that definition out. The chapter is made more powerful by statements like the following:

These people all died controlled and sustained by their faith, 
but never received the tangible fulfillment of God’s promises

The whole list of people is honored for being real examples of "walking by faith," and not one of them saw the fulfillment of God's promises here on earth. For each person mentioned and referenced on the list faith was more than something they had, it was who they were. The chapter ends by telling us that God has something greater planned than seeing the fulfillment of the promises in our lifetimes, we get to become a part of something greater, connected to these faith giants. The Message translation puts it like this 

"God had a better plan for us: that their faith and our faith would come together to make one completed whole, their lives of faith not complete apart from ours."

This idea continues into the next chapter. The writer urges his readers to press on, to continue to run the race, to make our way towards Jesus each and every day. The writer says we can do this despite obstacles that stand in our way because of the "great cloud of witnesses" cheering us on. In our efforts to align our lives with Jesus', we have a whole cloud of witnesses at our fingertips. 

God planned for us to be connected, and through Jesus, we are. What if this connection to the faith giants of old was like the cloud computing we have access to today. That wherever we are, whatever we are going through, whether good times or bad, we could draw upon the faith and strength of those who have come before us, especially Jesus the "author and perfecter" of our faith. My question is, who else is in your cloud? Who else is in this network of faith whose strong example strengthens you? Who in your life can you call on?  Who else spurs you on? I firmly believe that our cloud should continue to grow. But I also believe that we need to keep another question in mind: whose cloud are you in? Who draws upon your example of faith? Maybe I'm on to something, or maybe this is just another musing of a modern-day sasquatch

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